A Guide to Understanding & Treating Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolapse
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Uterine prolapse is a condition that occurs when the uterus protrudes into the vagina, causing internal pressure and pain. Due to weak pelvic muscles, the uterus may also slip out of alignment with the vagina. Some women experience difficulty walking or squatting for long periods. Uterine prolapse can lead to serious complications such as uterine rupture and infertility in some cases.

What Is A Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse (also known as pelvic organ prolapse, uterine prolapse, or uterine involution) is a condition where the pelvic organs (uterus and cervix) descend into the vagina before they are fully developed.

The condition can be serious and needs to be treated.  Uterine prolapses often occur in women over age 30 because their bodies do not “gradually” prepare for childbirth.  It is also more common among post-menopausal women because their bones lack the necessary calcium needed for childbirth.  The condition can also happen to a woman’s baby if the uterus descends too far into her vagina when she is pregnant.

How to Prevent Uterine Prolapse?

There are a few things you can do to prevent uterine prolapse. First, make sure your uterus is healthy and strong.

Second, get regular check-ups to make sure your uterine health is good.

Third, if you experience uterine prolapse, go to the doctor as soon as possible.

If uterine prolapse is diagnosed, you’ll be checked by your doctor. If the prolapse is caused by a tear in the uterine wall, a procedure will be performed to repair it. Depending on how severe the tear is, you may need to have a hysterectomy (remove your uterus) or an early surgery called an episiotomy (cut across the perineum of your vagina). If this happens: The condition can be corrected with surgery and training your body to use the incision scar instead of the anterior uterine wall.

If you rupture or bleed during a postpartum hemorrhage, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. There is a 75% chance of rupture in women who have had 5 or more births before having a child and sometimes more than 10 years ago, including many women with advanced maternal age. In addition, rupture is more common if the woman gives birth to a stillborn child. It’s also more likely to occur after cesarean birth and before the woman has had any other child.

How Regular Uterine Repairs Help Prevent Recurrent Uterine Prolapses

Recurrent Uterine Prolapse (RUP) is a condition where the uterus, which is normally located in the lower abdomen, protrudes into the vagina. The uterus can be prolapsed as a result of a variety of factors such as obesity and diabetes. or as a result of injury. The condition is treated by physical therapy and surgery. Symptoms include:

  • Painful menses (menstrual cramps) or the passing of menstrual blood through the vagina without urination
  • Painless uterine bleeding or spotting before menstruation (menorrhagia). Bleeding may be heavy, white, or clear.

What Causes Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the uterus goes down outside the body, often through the vagina. This can happen when the uterus is thin and weak, or when it’s weakened due to cancer or other diseases. Sometimes, the uterus can also prolapse through a tear in the uterine wall.

There are many causes of uterine prolapse, but some of the most common are:

• Uterine infection

• Gynecological surgery

• Hyperinsulinemia

• Preexisting health conditions such as endometriosis

• Inadequate exercise

• Severe stress or anxiety